Lest we Forget


  • G. T. Ng


Forgetfulness is a problem for some people. Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of the stairway, and you can't remember if you are downstairs going up or upstairs going down. An old man met an old lady, and they fell in love. One day, the old man gathered up all his courage and asked the old lady to marry him. She said "Yes." When the old man got home, he remembered asking the old lady to marry him, but he couldn't remember whether she had said "Yes" or "No." Rather embarrassed that he had forgotten, he decided not to mention marriage to her again. After a few weeks, it bothered the old man so much that he gathered up enough courage to ask the old lady what the answer was that she gave when he asked her to marry him. The old lady shouted with glee and said, "I'm so glad you asked! Some man asked me to marry him a few weeks ago, and I said "Yes," but I couldn't remember who it was that asked me!" Someone once said that the most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once. I am glad the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles did not forget. They were in focus. Their eyes were on the coming Kingdom. 


