

  • Edwin Reynolds



Our apologies first for being very late in getting this issue to press. Extended

absence of some of our personnel is the primary reason. We hope to do better in

the future. We value your interest in our publication, and we aim to please. We

trust that the quality of the contents of this issue will make up for the delay in

getting it out to you.

We would like to introduce the authors of our main articles to you once again.

These are all AIIAS faculty this year, mostly from the Theological Seminary, with

one representative from the School of Graduate Studies.


Reuel U. Almocera, D.P.S., is currently the chair of the Applied Theology

department and Associate Professor of Church Ministries. He also serves as

director of the Doctor of Ministry program. He hails from Mindanao in the

southern Philippines and has served at AIIAS since 1987.


Hyunsok Doh, Ph.D., has been Assistant Professor of New Testament and Biblical

Languages since 1998, but has just accepted a call to serve as a church pastor in

New Jersey. We are very sorry to be losing him so soon. He comes from Korea.


Kenneth Mulzac, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical

Languages. He is one of our newer faculty members, having come to AIIAS only

within the last year. He is from Bequia, part of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in

the West Indies.


John Wesley Taylor V, Ph.D., Ed.D., is Associate Dean and Professor of

Education and Research in the School of Graduate Studies. He also serves as

director of the Division of Online Learning, which is just getting underway at

AIIAS. He is from the United States and has been serving at AIIAS since 1995.


Besides the major articles, we again are proud to present a variety of papers

selected from the ALIAS Theological Forum 2000, held at ALIAS on 9-12 August

  1. Some of these are from ALIAS professors, while others are from specialists

in their respective areas from around the world. The theme of the Forum 2000 was

Adventist Mission in Non-Christian Contexts. No matter what your

denominational affiliation, we believe you will find valuable principles for the

practice of mission in the papers presented.

We continue to publish abstracts of the theses and dissertations accepted for

degree programs at the AIIAS Theological Seminary. We hope these may serve

notice of the academic work being done by our students here. Critical book

reviews submitted by our faculty are also included. We continue to solicit books

for review from publishers who would like their books to be highlighted in those

parts of the world reached by our journal, which means every part.

We continue to solicit also your regular subscription to the journal as a way of

enabling us to continue producing it as more than just an academic exercise. If you

are still receiving this on a complimentary basis, please consider subscribing. We

only continue to send a number of complimentary subscriptions because we value

your readership and hate to remove names from our mailing list. Every year,

however, we have to remove more names from our mailing list because of failure

to subscribe. Do not let this year be the last for you.

We continue also to offer exchange agreements with other journals that

specialize in biblical studies, theology, church history, church ministries, and world

mission. We have entered into many such agreements already and are willing to

consider other offers as well.

We regret that we have to raise the subscription price. Last year we published

a price hike in the journal, but in fact we continued the same rate as before. This

year we have to implement the price increase due to the increased cost of

publishing and mailing. The subscription price has been less than the actual cost

per journal. If we can increase readership, we can help to keep per-copy costs


With this issue we regret that we are losing not only Dr. Hyunsok Doh, one of

our consulting editors, but also our editorial assistant and circulation manager, Joy

Ondap, who has faithfully served as the backbone of the paperwork and computer

work for getting out this journal since its inception. Joy has been reassigned as the

assistant to Dr. John Wesley Taylor V in the Division of Online Learning. She is

also now a full-time student in the Master of Arts program in Education, majoring

in Curriculum and Instruction. We will miss her, but we wish her God's blessing

as she improves her opportunities for service.

We want to say special word of appreciation also to Dr. Kenneth Mulzac, who

has volunteered to help when we were caught short-handed, in getting this issue

ready, although he was not on the staff. He has lent his expertise to helping with

peer review of articles as well as contributing material where we were short.

Thanks, Ken, for going beyond the call of duty.


