

  • Michael W. Campbell


I am pleased with this current issue as it completes volume 17. This particular issue is the beneficiary of encouraging a number of doctoral students to submit their research. Three of the four articles are by graduate students. The first article, by veteran Adventist historian, George R. Knight, was given as the keynote address at the 2016 AIIAS Theological Seminary Forum. We hope to devote a future issue to some of the additional articles related to Ellen G. White.

It is our hope to eventually get the journal caught up, but we also want to maintain a vigorous peer-review process. What this means in effect is that we have effectively kept pace while doing our best not to fall further behind (we have been running about three years behind). It is my hope that in the future, as we accumulate enough publishable material, there can be a special combined issue on the Reformation.

We are also working to make sure that each issue contains a number of book reviews. We solicit our readers to please contact the editorial team for possible contributions. This is an area that we want to continue to expand in the future.

On behalf of the editorial team, we send off this latest installment with the hope that the wide variety of topics will both inform and challenge our readers.


