The Child's New Garb: JAAS Between Continuity and Innovation


  • Gerald A. Klingbeil


In the editorial of the first issue of the journal Asia Adventist Seminary Studies

(ISSN 0119-8432) Edwin E. Reynolds used the wonderful metaphor of a

newly born child. Eight years down the road the child is still well and has

matured considerably over the past ten months of planning, maintaining all

the good things that had characterized it and improving some of the weaker


As the new editor of the journal, let me share some of these new developments:

First, we have changed the name to Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary

and due to legal considerations we have received a new ISSN number.

However, we will continue with the volume count begun in 1998 with the

first issue of Asia Adventist Seminary Studies. Second, we decided to publish

two issues per year (instead of one). Third, since we are committed to publishing

quality biblical-theological research, we have instituted an international

review board, including some thirty leading scholars, that will provide

the expertise for a vigorous peer-review process. These scholars represent

a global community of biblical scholarship (Africa, North America,

South America, Europe, Asia), different areas of expertise, and many renowned

universities and seminaries (such as New York University [USA],

University of Wisconsin [USA], Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology

[Denmark], Kenyatta University [Kenya], Fribourg University [Switzerland],

Andrews University [USA], Fuller Theological Seminary [USA]). We

are indeed grateful to these scholars for their unselfish support of biblical

theological research in Asia. Fourth, we have redesigned both the cover as

well as the inside of the journal to provide an esthetically appealing product,

which will speak to students, professors, and pastors in the twenty-first

century. Fifth, we are negotiating with an important international distributor

in order to facilitate international subscriptions via credit card payment,

an option we could not offer before locally. Finally, we have named an enthusiastic

editorial team, including Gerald A. Klingbeil (editor), Clinton

Wahlen (associate editor), South African Ph.D. student Michael Sokupa

(book review editor), and Venezuelan Ph.D. student Emmer Chacon (subscription


We hope that, as you hold this first issue of 2006 in your hands, you will

not only like the new garb of JAAS but will consider subscribing to the

journal to be kept up-to-date on quality biblical-theological research with an

Asian perspective, important critical book reviews, as well as abstracts of

completed theses and dissertations from the Theological Seminary at the

Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS). As we are

always looking for new articles or research notes we encourage you to consider

sending submissions to JAAS. The editorial policies that we are implementing

and that may guide the format of your submission can be found

on the back cover page, together with the relevant contact details. Enjoy the

.new look of an old member of the AIIAS family!




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