Empty Forms or Vital Teacher? The Role of Ritual in Spiritual Growth and Nurturing


  • Gerald A. Klingbeil


Taking as its point of departure the current discussion and vote about the twenty-eighth fundamental belief ("Growing in Christ"), voted during the last session of the General Conference of Seventh-day  Adventists in St. Louis, Missouri, this study evaluates the contribution that ritual (both biblical and modern) can make to encourage this growth. After a brief definition of ritual in the larger context of ritual theory and practice, the study argues that historical as well as theological aspects are responsible for the often negative stance of Seventh-day Adventists towards ritual in religious practice. Next, the NT ritual of communion is analyzed from the perspective of ritual theory and biblical exegesis. Finally, the conclusion emphasizes the importance of ritual for the nurture and growth of church members in practical terms, as well as its capacity as a valuable missiological tool.

Key Words: spiritual growth; ritual; mission; communion; baptism; ritual theory




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