Ending up Ahead: The Case Study of a Highly Able Hispanic Student


  • John Wesley Taylor V


This case study focuses on Juan, a highly-able
Hispanic student. At the time of the study, Juan had lived for approximately
fourteen months in the United States, and was enrolled in ninth grade at the
public high school of a small town in Virginia. Previously, Juan had lived with
his three siblings in Mexico, while his father and at times, his mother labored as
a migrant worker in the United States.
In Mexico, Juan had distinguished himself as a high achiever, receiving
diplomas of merit for being the top student in his grade. Since his arrival in the
United States, he has received several awards for his accomplishments. Juan's
academic strengths seem to lie in the areas of math and art, although his teachers
have been amazed with his facility for acquiring the English language.
While Juan seems to have displayed a strong resiliency in the academic
arena, his social dimension appears to be vulnerable. He gives indication of
cultural isolation and estrangement. Other important themes in his life include the
centrality of family, a zest for learning, respect for social order, and a strong
desire for upward social mobility.
Projecting towards the future, the dominant motif seems to be a desire to
continue his studies, obtain a career, and "end up ahead." These sentiments are
echoed by his parents and teachers, who believe that Juan will continue to strive
and that he will succeed.

Author Biography

  • John Wesley Taylor V






How to Cite

Ending up Ahead: The Case Study of a Highly Able Hispanic Student. (2000). International Forum Journal, 3(2), 57-94. https://journals.aiias.edu/info/article/view/298