Facilitating Payments--Bribes or “Tips”?: Suggestions for International Organizations Regarding Facilitating Payment Customs


  • Wayne Hamra Asia-Pacific International University


In many parts of the world, facilitating payments are expected before legitimate official services will be supplied in a timely manner. To avoid an obstacle course of dubious regulations and prevent troublesome delays, most individuals and organizations succumb to the pressure and offer “grease” payments to officials in order to bypass these barriers. Several categories of “off-therecord” payments are illustrated with real-life examples, and explanations are offered regarding the reasons why such customs persist. The article also suggests a strategy that international organizations may use in unfamiliar locations in an effort to avoid the slippery ethical slope linked to such payments, while attempting to maintain harmonious relations with local officials.

Author Biography

  • Wayne Hamra, Asia-Pacific International University

    MBA, PhD
    Vice President of Academic Administration
    Asia-Pacific International University
    Muak Lek, Thailand




How to Cite

Facilitating Payments--Bribes or “Tips”?: Suggestions for International Organizations Regarding Facilitating Payment Customs. (2011). International Forum Journal, 14(2), 5-21. https://journals.aiias.edu/info/article/view/158