Research Mentoring of Students in Christian Higher Education


  • Nicola Wieland Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies


Mentoring of graduate students is an important part of developing their research skills and habits, and can affect how and whether they do research in the future. This qualitative study examines research students’ preferences for mentoring qualities as well as their analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of their current mentoring relationships. Students wish for better communication and faster turnaround for feedback, but they vary in the amount of guidance they desire. Those who desire more guidance seemed to be less satisfied with their relationship with their current mentor. The spiritual aspect was also mentioned as an important part of mentoring relationships in a Christian setting.

Author Biography

  • Nicola Wieland, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies

    PhD Student
    Educational Studies, School of Graduate Studies
    Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies





How to Cite

Research Mentoring of Students in Christian Higher Education. (2005). International Forum Journal, 8(1-2), 99-111.