Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Emotional intelligence is a concept which originated relatively recently, and which has held the focus of the research community up until today. Most useful in the workplace environment, EQ can explain why some leaders prosper and others do not. EQ can be developed, and this study links it to character, as well as success. Individuals with high EQ do not necessarily function as a group with high EQ without practice. Men and women appear to have equal amounts of EQ, and older individuals learn it better than younger ones, though the peak appears to be in the 40s. The most recent trend is toward seminars aimed at developing EQ in the workplace. Guidelines for best practices in conceiving such a seminar are included.
How to Cite
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace. (2005). International Forum Journal, 8(1-2), 5-14. https://journals.aiias.edu/info/article/view/236